
Urinary System of the Animals

. All vertebrates dispose of excess water and other wastes by means of kidneys. The kidneys of fish and amphibians are comparatively simple, while those of mammals are the most complex. Fish and amphibians absorb a great deal of water and, as a result, must excrete large quantities of urine. In contrast, the urinary systems of birds and reptiles are designed to conserve water; these animals produce urine that is solid or semisolid.

Reproductive System of Animals

. In many invertebrate species individual animals bear both testes and ovaries (see Hermaphroditism ). In some invertebrates, and in most vertebrates, individuals bear either testes or ovaries, but not both sets of organs. In invertebrates, a single animal may have as many as 26 pairs of gonads; in vertebrates, the usual number is 2. Cyclostomes and most birds are unusual among vertebrates in possessing only a single gonad; owls, pigeons, hawks, and parrots are unusual among birds in having two gonads. The size of gonads increases at sexual maturity because of the great number of germ cells produced at that time; many germ cells are also produced during breeding seasons so that many animals have a seasonal increase in size of the gonads. During the breeding season of fish, the ovaries increase in size until they constitute about one-quarter to one-third of the total body weight. The testes and ovaries of mature animals differ greatly in structure. The testes are composed of delicate co...

Respiratory Systems in Other Animals

. The need to take in oxygen and expel carbon dioxide is almost universal among organisms. The movement of these gases between an organism and its environment, called gas exchange, is accomplished in a variety of ways by different organisms. In one-celled aquatic organisms, such as protozoans, and in seaweeds, sponges, jellyfish, and other aquatic organisms that are only a few cell layers thick, oxygen and carbon dioxide diffuse directly between the water and cells. Diffusion works for these simple organisms because all cells of the organism are within a few millimeters of an oxygen source. Animals with many cell layers cannot rely on diffusion because cells several layers deep in the body would die before oxygen reached them. As a result, for gas exchange, more-complex animals require special respiratory organs, such as gills or lungs, in combination with circulatory structures, such as blood, blood vessels, and a heart. The earliest development of these gas exchange structures is see...

The Vertebrate Nervous System

. Vertebrate Brains Although all vertebrate brains share the same basic three-part structure, the development of their constituent parts varies across the evolutionary scale. In fish, the cerebrum is dwarfed by the rest of the brain and serves mostly to process input from the senses. In reptiles and amphibians, the cerebrum is proportionally larger and begins to connect and form conclusions about this input. Birds have well-developed optic lobes, making the cerebrum even larger. Among mammals, the cerebrum dominates the brain. It is most developed among primates, in whom cognitive ability is the highest. Vertebrate animals have a bony spine and skull in which the central part of the nervous system is housed; the peripheral part extends throughout the remainder of the body. That part of the nervous system located in the skull is referred to as the brain; that found in the spine is called the spinal cord. The brain and the spinal cord are continuous through an opening in the base of the ...

Digestive Systems of Animals

. The simplest invertebrates (animals without backbones) do not have specialized digestive organs. Single-celled organisms, such as amoebas , rely on intracellular digestion (digestion within the cell). Some many-celled organisms, such as the sponge, also use intracellular digestion. The sponge obtains the tiny organic particles that make up its diet from water passing through its body. Water enters through the sponge’s pores and leaves through an opening called the osculum. As water flows through the interior canals of the sponge, specialized cells that line these canals, called collar cells, catch and engulf organic matter. Inside the collar cells, sacs called vacuoles form around the food and enzymes digest it. The digested food then passes to other cells in the sponge’s body. Intracellular digestion meets the needs of simple animals, but more complex organisms require systems that are more specialized. Animals such as jellyfish and nonparasitic flatworms combine the intracellular...

Circulatory Systems in Non-Humans

. One-celled organisms and many simple multicelled animals, such as sponges, jellyfishes, sea anemones, flatworms, and roundworms, do not have a circulatory system. All of their cells are able to absorb nutrients, exchange gases, and expel wastes through direct contact with either the outside or with a central cavity that serves as a digestive tract. More complex invertebrates have a wide range of circulatory system designs. These invertebrate circulatory systems are classified as either open or closed. Open systems—found in starfishes, clams, oysters, snails, crabs, insects, spiders, and centipedes—lack capillaries, and the blood bathes the tissues directly. In closed systems, the blood is confined to a system of blood vessels. Invertebrates with closed systems include segmented worms, squids, and octopuses. All vertebrate animals have closed circulatory systems. These systems are classified by the number of chambers in the heart, which determines the basic configuration of blood flow...


Aquaculture, farming of aquatic organisms in fresh, brackish or salt water. A wide variety of aquatic organisms are produced through aquaculture, including fishes , crustaceans , mollusks , algae , and aquatic plants. Unlike capture fisheries , aquaculture requires deliberate human intervention in the organisms' productivity and results in yields that exceed those from the natural environment alone. Stocking water with seed (juvenile organisms), fertilizing the water, feeding the organisms, and maintaining water quality are common examples of such intervention. Most aquacultural crops are destined for human consumption. However, aquaculture also produces bait fishes, ornamental or aquarium fishes, aquatic animals used to augment natural populations for capture and sport fisheries (see Fishing ), algae used for chemical extraction, and pearl oysters and mussels , among others. Aquaculture is considered an agricultural activity, despite the many differences between aquaculture and t...