
Showing posts with the label Phoronida


. Phoronids, common name for a wormlike marine invertebrate animal, a kind of tube worm . There are about 12 species of phoronids. They are sedentary animals that can be as long as 38 cm (15 in). Most species secrete a protective tube in the mud or sand bottoms of shallow seas. The phoronids are regarded as closely related to the bryozoans and brachiopods because they possess a lophophore, a horseshoe-shaped structure carrying ciliated tentacles (see Tentaculata ). The tentacles serve to catch food materials suspended in the water, and the cilia move mucus-entrapped food to the mouth, located at the center of the lophophore. The digestive tract is U-shaped, so the anus is located near the "head" of the animal but outside the lophophore. The phoronids possess a well-developed circulatory system. Some species are hermaphroditic, in which one individual may have both male and female organs. Fertilization generally occurs outside the body; however, in some species, the eggs deve...

Types of Invertebrates

. Annelida -> Segmented worms with a muscular body wall used for burrowing. External hairs called setae aid in traction during burrowing. An internal coelom is divided into compartments by walls known as septum. The digestive system stretches from the mouth to the anus, differentiated into regions, each with a different function. Reproduction is sexual. – Examples: Lugworms, earthworms, leeches Pogonophora -> Deep-sea worms that live in chitinous tubes attached to the ocean floor. Their long, slender body has a beard of tentacles at the head end. There is no mouth or digestive system and these animals absorb all nourishment through the body surface. They reproduce sexually. – Examples: Bead worms Vestimentifera -> Giant deep-sea worms that live in chitinous tubes attached to the ocean floor. They derive nutrition using a specialized organ called a trophosome to digest sulfide-oxidizing bacteria. – Examples: Llamellibrachs Sipuncula -> Marine worms with a saclike body an...