Hydrozoa, class of invertebrates belonging to the cnidarian phylum. The hydrozoans make up six orders. Most species of hydrozoans show alternation of generations . One generation consists of individuals called polyps and is almost always colonial; the colony is known as a hydroid because of the resemblance of its individual polyps to the noncolonial hydra , the simplest of all hydrozoans. The other generation, members of which are known as medusae, consists of free-swimming, sexual individuals that produce either eggs or sperm; the familiar jellyfish is a typical medusa. Each fertilized egg develops into a ciliated larva (planula), from which the hydroid develops and then gives rise to medusae by budding. Hydrozoans differ in their conformity to the typical alternation of generations. The order to which the hydra belongs has small medusae and sometimes no free-swimming forms at all. The siphonophoran order, containing the Portuguese man-of-war , has a short-lived medusa stage, the la...