
Showing posts with the label Red Wolf

Pictures of Mammals

. Numbat The numbat, Myrmecobius fasciatus, is an endangered marsupial that lives in southwestern Australia, often in eucalyptus groves. Numbats use their sensitive noses and sticky tongues to find and eat insects, especially termites. During the winter months they warm themselves by basking in the sun. Australians have created captive breeding colonies for numbats in hopes of ensuring their survival. Pangolin Four species of terrestrial and arboreal pangolins are found in forest and open savanna habitats of Africa and southern Asia. Entirely covered with large, brown, overlapping scales, the pangolin is well protected against predators. When threatened, the pangolin rolls into a tight ball, causing the sharp, free edges of the scales to rise. Pangolins eat ants and termites, which they lap up with their long, sticky tongues. Platypus The duck-billed platypus, Ornithorhynchus anatinus, found only in eastern Australia, lives in streams, rivers, and occasionally lakes with year-round wat...