
Showing posts with the label Golden Toads

Pictures of Amphibians

. Broken-Striped Newt The adult broken-striped newt is found in ponds, pools, and quiet streams in low-lying coastal areas of North and South Carolina. Growing to a maximum size of 9.5 cm (3.75 in), this newt feeds on insects, leeches, small amphibians, worms, small crustaceans, and frog eggs. Burrowing Frog This frog’s short, powerful legs are well built for digging. It burrows into the cooler soil of its South Australian desert habitat to wait out the unpleasantness of extreme heat, descending to a state of torpor much like hibernation. Other kinds of frogs burrow to conceal themselves or to ambush prey. Many have sharp snouts or flattened spadelike toes that aid them in their digging. Caecilian The caecilian is a type of amphibian that has a wormlike body with no limbs. Caecilians are found only in the tropics. Fire Salamander Among fire salamanders, the female retains her fertilized eggs within her body until they hatch. The emerging young may either be larvae with gills or fully f...